If you’ve ever been locked out of your house or lost the key to your locker, you know how frustrating it can be. But did you know that there’s a way to open a combination lock without the combination? All you need is a paperclip!
How To Open A Combination Lock (6 Easy ways)
A brief description of How To Open A Combination Lock. Especially useful for middle schoolers using a combination locked locker, and Unlock A 3-dial or 3 Digit/4 Digit Combination Lock for the first time.

- Find the dial on the front of the lock
- This is what you will use to input the combination
- Locate the numbers around the circumference of the dial
- In most cases, the numbers will go from 0 to 39
- Determine which direction you need to turn the dial in order to line up with your first number
- For example, if your first number is 10, you would need to turn the dial clockwise until it stops at 10
- Once you have reached your first number, continue turning the knob in that same direction and stop when you reach your second number
- Then, without letting go of the knob, turn it back counterclockwise until it clicks into place at 0 again
- Repeat this process for your third and final number before pulling on the handle to open your lock!
1. How To Unlock A 3-dial Combination Lock
If you have a 3-dial combination lock, there are a few things that you can do to unlock it. The first thing that you need to do is find the numbers that are on the dials. Once you have those numbers, you need to find the number that is in the middle of the three numbers.
This number is called the “sweet spot.” Once you’ve found the sweet spot, turn the dial to the right until it stops. Then, turn it back to the left until it stops at the second number.
Finally, turn it to the right again and stop at the third number. If done correctly, your lock should now be unlocked!
2. How To Open A Combination Lock Without The Numbers
If you’ve forgotten the combination to your lock, or if you need to get into a locked box that doesn’t have the key, you can use a few different methods to open it. With a little patience and some trial and error, you should be able to open most combination locks without too much trouble. One method is to feel for the sweet spot.
This is the point where the tumblers line up perfectly and the lock opens with very little resistance. It may take a few tries to find the sweet spot, but once you do, opening the lock will be a breeze. Another method is to use a tension wrench on the shackle while you turn each dial slowly until the lock pops open.
This technique takes a bit more finesse than finding the sweet spot, but it’s worth trying if other methods haven’t worked. If all else fails, you can always try picking the lock with a paperclip or other thin piece of metal. This is known as raking and can be quite effective if done correctly.
However, it’s also more likely to damage the lock so it’s not recommended unless you’re really struggling to get it open.
3. How To Open A Combination Lock With 4 Numbers
If you have ever forgotten the combination to your locker, or if you just want to know how to open a combination lock with 4 numbers in case you are ever in a bind, here is a tutorial for you. First, find the combination dial on the front of the lock. There should be four numbered dials, each with 10 digits from 0-9.
Start by setting the dials to 0-0-0-0. Then, locate the first number of your combination and turn that dial clockwise until it reaches that number. Next, do the same thing with the second number and third number until all three numbers are entered into the correct order.
Finally, locate the fourth number and turn that dial counterclockwise until it reaches that number. Once all four numbers are entered correctly, the lock should open!
4. How To Open A Master Combination Lock
Assuming you don’t have the combination: If you’ve ever forgotten the combination to your locker, or if you need to get into a locked box that doesn’t have a keyhole, then you know how frustrating it can be. But don’t worry—there’s a way to open almost any master combination lock, without knowing the combination.
Here’s what you need to do:
1. Find a small nail or paperclip and straighten it out.
2. Insert the nail or paperclip into the hole on the side of the lock (the one that isn’t used for setting the combination).
3. Push and hold down on the shackle (the part of the lock that sticks up) while turning the dial clockwise until it stops. Keep doing this until you feel resistance, which means that you’ve found one of the numbers in the combination.
4. Make a note of this number, and continue turning until you find another number in the sequence. Repeat this step until you have all three numbers in order.
5. Now that you know what order the numbers are in, set them as your new combo, and voila—you’re in!
5. How To Open A Locker With A Built-in Lock
If your locker has a built-in lock, there are a few things you need to do in order to open it. First, find the keyhole. It should be located on the front of the locker, near the top.
If you can’t find it, look for a small slot on the side or back of the locker where you can insert a key.
Once you’ve found the keyhole, insert a key into it and turn it to the left. This will unlock the built-in lock and allow you to open your locker.
6. How Do You Open A 3 Digit Combination Lock?
A three-digit combination lock has a dial with numbers 0 through 9. Each number has an equal chance of being the first number in the combination. To open the lock, you must line up the first number with the mark on the dial, and then rotate the dial clockwise until the second number lines up with the mark.
Finally, you must rotate the dial counterclockwise until the third number lines up with the mark.
How To Unlock A Lock
Locks are devices that keep our belongings safe and secure. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but all locks serve the same purpose. Sometimes, however, we may need to unlock a lock without the key.
Whether you’ve lost your key or you’re trying to open a locked door without the proper code, there are a few ways to do it. One way to unlock a lock without a key is by using a paperclip. This method is often used for locking cabinets and drawers.
Start by straightening out the paperclip so that it’s as thin as possible. Then insert the paperclip into the keyhole and try to push up on the locking mechanism inside. If you can get the mechanism to move, then you should be able to open the lock.
Another way to unlock a lock is by using a tension wrench. This method is often used for padlocks. Start by inserting the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole.
Then apply pressure to the wrench while turning it clockwise or counterclockwise until you feel resistance. Once you feel resistance, stop turning and apply more pressure to the wrench until the lock pops open. If neither of these methods works, then you may need to call a locksmith for assistance.
Combination Lock Practice
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to combination locks. After all, they’re just a simple way to keep your belongings safe and secure. But did you know that there’s more to using a combination lock than just turning the dial to the right numbers? With a little practice, you can be a pro at using these locks in no time!
Here are some tips for getting the hang of operating combination locks:
1. Start by finding the right starting position. This is usually when the dial is pointing to zero, but it can vary depending on the type of lock you’re using. Once you’ve found the starting position, release any pressure on the dial so that it can move freely.
2. Entering the combination is a two-step process. The first step is called “scrubbing.” This simply means rotating the dial back and forth between your chosen numbers until you hear a click or feel resistance (this indicates that the tumblers inside the lock have aligned). For example, if your combination is 15-30-45, you would rotate back and forth between 15 and 30 until you hear or feel that click/resistance.
3. The second step in entering your combination is called “snapping.” Once you’ve found the correct starting position and scrubbed between your chosen numbers, turn the dial quickly in one direction (either clockwise or counterclockwise) until it stops at your final number. In our example above, this would be 45.
It’s important not to overshoot this number – if you do, you’ll have to start from scratch!
How To Reset A Combination Lock
If you’ve forgotten the combination to your lock, or if you just need to change it for security reasons, resetting a combination lock is a relatively easy process.

Just follow these simple steps and you’ll have your lock reset in no time.
1. Find the reset lever on the side or back of the lock. This is usually a small lever that can be moved up or down with your fingernail.
2. Move the reset lever to the “up” position. You may hear a click when you do this – that’s normal.
3. Enter your new combination into the dials, making sure to align the numbers with the indicator line on the front of the lock.
4. Return the reset lever to its original position and give the dials a spin to make sure your new combo works!
What Is The Easiest Way To Open A Combination Lock?
If you’re looking for the easiest way to open a combination lock, there are a few things you can try. First, if you know the combination, simply enter it and the lock should open. If you don’t know the combination, or if you’ve forgotten it, you can try using a paperclip or other thin object to manipulate the dial.
This method may not work on all locks, but it’s worth a try. Finally, if all else fails, you can always call a locksmith to help you get into your lock.
How Do You Open A Closed Combination Lock?
If you know the factory combination, opening a closed combination lock is easy. Simply align the dial to the leftmost position, enter the first number of the combination, turn the dial to the right past the second number, and finally stop at the third number. If you don’t know the combination, however, it’s still possible to open the lock without damaging it.
This can be done by manipulating the shackle into an open position using a tension wrench and hook pick.
How Do You Figure Out A Lock Combination?
Assuming you don’t have the combination and need to figure it out, there are a few ways to go about it. One is called lock picking, which uses special tools to manipulate the tumblers in the lock until they line up and the lock opens. This can be time-consuming and requires some skill, so if you’re not experienced with lock picking, it’s probably not the best option.
Another way is to use a technique called brute force. This involves trying every possible combination until you find the right one. This can be very tedious, especially if the lock has a lot of possible combinations, but it’s usually just a matter of time before you stumble upon the right one.
If you’re feeling really ambitious, you could try something called lock bumping. This is a relatively new technique that takes advantage of how some locking mechanisms work to open them without having to pick or brute force them. It’s become quite popular in recent years because it’s relatively easy to do once you know how and doesn’t require any special tools or skills.
However, not all locks are susceptible to this type of attack, so your success may vary. So those are three potential ways to figure out a lock combination if you don’t have it already. Which one you choose will depend on your situation and what resources (time, skills, etc.) you have at your disposal.
If you’ve ever forgotten the combination to your locker, you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, there is a way to open a combination lock without the combination. All you need is a paperclip (or something similar).
First, straighten out the paperclip and insert it into the hole on the back of the lock. Next, apply pressure to the paperclip until you hear a click. This indicates that the tumbler has been released.
Now, turn the knob clockwise until it stops. Finally, remove the paperclip and enter your new combination.