How To Screenshot On Mac, you need to press “Command + Shift + 3” at the same time. This will take a picture of your entire screen and save it as a file on your desktop. If you only want to take a picture of part of your screen, you can press “Command + Shift + 4” instead.
This will bring up a crosshair that you can use to select the area of your screen that you want to capture. Once you have the area selected, just release the mouse button or trackpad and the screenshot will be saved as a file on your desktop.
- Open the screen that you want to take a screenshot of
- Press and hold down the “Command” key, the “Shift” key, and the “3” key all at the same time
- Release all three keys at the same time
- A file will appear on your desktop with a name like “Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 08
- 00 AM
- ” This is your screenshot!
How To Screenshot On Mac | Mac Basics
To take a screenshot on a Mac, you can use a combination of keys on your keyboard.
To capture the entire screen, press the Command + Shift + 3 keys simultaneously. The screenshot will be saved to your desktop as a PNG file.
To capture a specific area of the screen, press the Command + Shift + 4 keys. This will change your cursor to a crosshair, which you can use to select the area of the screen you wish to capture. Release the keys when you have selected the desired area. The screenshot will be saved to your desktop as a PNG file.

To capture a specific window, press the Command + Shift + 4 keys, then press the Spacebar. This will change your cursor to a camera, which you can use to select the window you wish to capture. Release the keys when you have selected the desired window. The screenshot will be saved to your desktop as a PNG file.
Alternatively, you can also use the “Grab” tool for taking screenshots on Mac. Click on “Launchpad” and then the “Other” folder, and you can find the “Grab” tool.
Macbook Screenshot Shortcut
If you’re a Mac user, you know that taking screenshots is a breeze. There are several different ways to do it, but the easiest is to use the screenshot shortcut. Here’s how it works:
To take a screenshot of your entire screen, simply press Command + Shift + 3. This will save the screenshot as a PNG file on your desktop.
If you only want to capture a portion of your screen, use Command + Shift + 4 instead.
This will bring up a crosshair cursor that you can use to select the area you want to capture. Once you’ve made your selection, release the mouse button or trackpad and the screenshot will be saved as a PNG file on your desktop.
Need to copy your screenshot directly to the clipboard instead of saving it as a file?
Just add the Control key into the mix: Command + Shift + Control + 3 for an entire screen capture, or Command + Shift + Control + 4 for partial screen captures.
Screenshot on Macbook Air
Whether you’re a MacBook Air user or not, there are plenty of reasons why you might need to take a screenshot. Maybe you want to capture an image to share with someone, or perhaps you need to save a webpage for offline viewing. Whatever the reason, taking a screenshot on your Macbook Air is actually quite simple.
To take a full-screen screenshot, simply press Shift-Command (⌘)-3 on your keyboard. Your screen will flash white and you’ll hear a camera shutter sound, indicating that the screenshot has been taken. The image will automatically be saved as a PNG file on your desktop.
If you only want to capture a portion of the screen, press Shift-Command-4 instead. Your cursor will turn into a crosshair, which you can then click and drag to select the area you want to capture. Again, the image will be saved as a PNG file on your desktop.
And that’s all there is to it! Taking screenshots on your Macbook Air is quick and easy, so next time you need to capture something from your screen, don’t hesitate to give it a try.
How To Crop A Screenshot On Mac
If you’re a Mac user, you probably know that taking screenshots is super easy – just hit Shift-Command-3 to take a full-screen screenshot, or Shift-Command-4 to take a screenshot of a selected area. But what if you want to crop your screenshot before saving it?
Here’s how:
First, take your screenshot as usual (Shift-Command-3 or Shift-Command-4). This will save the screenshot directly to your desktop as a .png file. Next, open the screenshot in Preview (it should be the default application for opening .png files).
Select the “Tool” icon from the toolbar at the top of the window, and then choose “Crop” from the dropdown menu. Now you can click and drag on your image to select the area you want to keep. When you’re happy with your selection, just hit Enter/Return to confirm.
Your cropped screenshot will now be saved as a new file on your desktop – easy!
Screenshot On Macbook Pro
If you want to take a screenshot on your Macbook Pro, there are a few different ways that you can do it. The simplest way is to just press the “Command + Shift + 3” keys simultaneously. This will take a screenshot of your entire screen and save it as a PNG file on your desktop.
If you only want to take a screenshot of a specific portion of your screen, you can use the “Command + Shift + 4” keys instead. This will bring up a crosshair cursor that you can use to select the area that you want to capture. Once you have made your selection, just release the mouse button or trackpad and the screenshot will be saved as a PNG file on your desktop.
You can also take screenshots of individual windows by using the “Command + Shift + 5” keys. This will bring up an overlay with different options for taking screenshots. You can either choose to take a screenshot of an entire window, or just select a portion of it.
The screenshot will be saved as a PNG file on your desktop regardless of which option you choose. Finally, if you want to take a video recording of what is happening on your screen, you can use the “Command + Shift + 6” keys. This will start recording immediately and save the video as a MOV file on your desktop when you stop it (by pressing the same key combination again).
How To Screenshot On Mac 2023
It’s easy to take a screenshot on your Mac—and you have several options for doing so. You can use keyboard shortcuts or the Grab application, which is included with every copy of macOS. Here’s how to take a screenshot on a Mac.
To take a screenshot of the entire screen, press Command (⌘)-Shift-3. To take a screenshot of part of the screen, press Command (⌘)-Shift-4; when the pointer changes to a crosshair, drag diagonally over an area that you want to capture. To cancel taking a screenshot, press the Escape (esc) key before you release the button.
Your screenshots are saved automatically as .png files on your desktop with the filename starting with “Screen Shot” followed by the date and time it was taken. If you see no desktop icons, don’t worry—they will reappear when you finish taking your screenshot(s).
How To Snip On Mac
Assuming you would like a blog post on how to take screenshots on a Mac: “How to take a screenshot on your Mac” We all know what screenshots are—capturing what’s on your screen at a given moment.
But did you know that taking screenshots on your Mac is super easy, and there are even a few different ways to do it? Here’s everything you need to know about how to take screenshots on your Mac. To take a screenshot of your entire screen, simply press Command + Shift + 3.
That’s it! Your screenshot will be saved as a PNG file on your desktop. If you want to take a screenshot of just a portion of your screen, press Command + Shift + 4 instead.
This will bring up a crosshair cursor; click and drag to select the area you want to capture, then release the mouse or trackpad button when you’re done. As with the full-screen screenshot, this one will also be saved as a PNG file on your desktop. Finally, if you want to capture just one window or menu, press Command + Shift + 5 instead; this will give you options for selecting an entire window (including its shadow), just the frontmost window without its shadow, or any other area of the screen (just like before).
Choose whichever option suits your needs, then click and drag over the desired area until it’s highlighted. When you’ve got it selected correctly, release the mouse button or trackpad button, and voilà!—your screenshot will be saved as usual.
How To Screenshot On Macbook Pro 13
There are a few different ways to take a screenshot on your Macbook Pro 13. The most common way is to use the keyboard shortcut: Command + Shift + 3. This will take a screenshot of your entire screen and save it as a PNG file on your desktop. If you only want to capture a portion of your screen, you can use the keyboard shortcut: Command + Shift + 4. This will bring up a crosshair cursor that you can use to select the area of your screen that you’d like to capture.
Once you’ve made your selection, release the keys and the screenshot will be saved as a PNG file on your desktop. You can also take screenshots using the Grab application, which is located in your Applications > Utilities folder. To use Grab, launch the app and then select the type of screenshot you’d like to take from the Capture menu at the top of the window.
You can choose between capturing your entire screen, an active window, or a selection of your screen. Once you’ve made your selection, click on Capture in the bottom right-hand corner of the window and your screenshot will be saved as a TIFF file on your desktop.
How To Screenshot On Macbook Pro 2012
Assuming you would like a detailed tutorial on how to take a screenshot of your Macbook Pro 2012: 1. Press Shift-Command (⌘)-3. Find the screenshot as a .png file on your desktop.
OR 1. Press Shift-Command-4. The pointer changes to a crosshair.
Drag the crosshair to select the area of the screen to capture, then release your mouse or trackpad button. To cancel taking the screenshot, press the Esc (Escape) key before you release the button. Find the screenshot as a .png file on your desktop.
Where Do Screenshots Go in Mac?
Screenshots on a Mac are saved as .png files to the Desktop by default. However, you can change where your screenshots are saved by opening the Screenshot Utility in your Applications folder. To take a screenshot, press Command + Shift + 3 on your keyboard.
How To Take A Screenshot?
There are a few ways to take a screenshot on your computer. The most common way is to press the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard. This will take a snapshot of your entire screen and copy it to your clipboard.
You can then paste this image into an image editings program like Paint or Photoshop and save it as a file. Another way to take a screenshot is to use the Snipping Tool. This tool allows you to select an area of your screen to capture, and you can even annotate the image before saving it.
To find the Snipping Tool, just search for it in the Start menu (or the Cortana search bar in Windows 10). If you’re using a Mac, there’s no need for any special software – just press Shift-Command-3 to take a full-screen screenshot, or Shift-Command-4 to select an area of the screen to capture.
Are you a Mac user who wants to know how to take a screenshot? It’s actually pretty easy! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to screenshot on a Mac in just a few simple steps.
First, decide what you want to capture in your screenshot. Once you have that figured out, press and hold down the Shift-Command (⌘)-5 keys simultaneously. This will bring up the screenshot toolbar which gives you several options for taking your screenshot.
Choose whether you want to capture the entire screen or just a selected portion of it, and then click on the “Capture” button. Your screenshot will now be taken and saved as a PNG file on your desktop!
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