Measuring knee flexion is often done by a licensed therapist’. But it can be a great deal of hassle because that will require you to take your therapist’s appointment, then if you can’t walk properly you’ll need some assistance, several hours to reach the hospital and then come back and many more things.
So if you are also going through all these hassles we would recommend you to follow the 3 perfect ways how to measure knee flexion at home that you can use day-to-day. These easy methods can help you to start measuring improvements when you can’t measure the range of motion. It is better to measure once a month and document the progress you’ve made gradually.
How To Measure Knee Flexion At Home | 3 Perfect Ways
Looking How To Measure Knee Flexion At Home? There are a few different ways that you can do this, depending on what equipment you have available to you.

One way to measure knee flexion is to use a goniometer. This is a tool that is typically used by physical therapists and other medical professionals to measure the range of motion. You can purchase a goniometer online or at a medical supply store.
To use a goniometer to measure knee flexion, first place the tool on the outside of the knee. The middle of the goniometer should be placed over the kneecap. Then, align the top of the goniometer with the hip joint and the bottom of the goniometer with the ankle joint.
Next, bend the knee to the desired angle and hold it in place. The angle that the knee is bent at is the degree of knee flexion.
Another way to measure knee flexion is to use a tape measure. To do this, sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend one knee and bring your heel up towards your buttock.
Use the tape measure to measure the distance from your hip joint to your ankle joint. This is the degree of knee flexion.
You can also use a ruler or a yardstick to measure knee flexion. To do this, sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend one knee and bring your heel up towards your buttock.
Place the ruler or yardstick on the ground so that it is touching the hip joint and the ankle joint. Then, bend the knee to the desired angle and hold it in place. The distance between the hip joint and the ankle joint is the degree of knee flexion.
No matter which method you use to measure knee flexion, it is important to do so consistently to get accurate results.
1. Use A Traditional Goniometer
The goniometer is a protector sometimes supplied with a level gauge and two arms that measure the angle with a scale to record the range of motion. By using this you can measure your knee flexion at home. It only costs 7 to 10 dollars. To measure your knee flexion follow the steps down below:
First, hold the ankle with one hand and the posterior thigh with the other. Then move your thigh to approximately 90 degrees of hip flexion and move the knee into flexion. Make sure to stabilize the femur throughout the entire movement and range occurs when resistance is felt.
The resistance should feel soft due to the muscle bowl. Then take the goniometer in your hand and you can read your results on the device scale. Passive range of motion right knee flexion 0 to 138 degrees. It will be better to use someone’s help for the perfect reading but you can also do it on your own. For this measuring method, you can sit down on a chair or lie down as well.
2. Use A Digital Goniometer
Using a traditional goniometer can be tricking at times. So instead of a traditional one use a digital one for easier measurement. It is better to use the help of a friend or a family member. For this follow the steps down below:
- First press the button of your device flashing zeros
- Then lie down on a flat surface or sit down on a chair
- Then flex your leg as much as possible
- Now align your device first with the femur and press the button to set your plane of measurement
- Then bring the device align it with the tibia and press the button again and you’ll get your measurement.
- You can also use this device on your own if you live alone.
- Using this device you can do all sorts of measurements
3. Use A Measuring Tape And A Sharpie
If you’ve has your knee surgery and are in extreme need of a flexion measurement follow-up at home, especially during the covid situation then this method can be a great help for you to check your improvement.
To measure your improvement following this method you only need a tape measure and a sharpie. This method works great when you don’t have anyone to help you out at home. For this method, you need to use a waterproof permanent marker.
Step 1: Three-point Marking
For this method, you need three points of contact. So first mark right below your knee where your tibial plateau bone is, then mark in the mid patella, and the last one just a little bit above the knee. So the point is to have some way to find the same three points; one below, one in the middle, and one above the knee.
Step 2: Placing The Measuring Tape
Now what you are going to do is, line up the zero mark on the bottom, you’re going to cover the middle mark, and line up your top mark with whatever number it is. For example, the line measure 20.5 centimeters when the leg is straight. But when you bend your leg backward the number will increase, 25 centimeters. So this number will be different from person to person.
Step 3: Measure The Improvement
So first place your legs at a 90-degree angle and place the tape onto the marking and see the number. Then keep bending your leg backward to measure the flexion. When you can no longer bend your legs measure that same marking to know your progress.
You can also do the same thing with a thread or a shoelace. This method will not tell you the degree number but will let you know the flexion improvement.
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Final Verdict
Now that you know about the 3 perfect ways how to measure knee flexion at home using these three methods we hope you’ll choose one of them and don’t forget to let us know your experience and any questions that you might have.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What Is Normal Knee Flexion?
Knee flexion is the movement of the knee joint when the lower leg is brought forward and up in relation to the upper leg. This is the opposite motion of knee extension, which is when the lower leg is brought backward and up in relation to the upper leg.
While the range of motion for knee flexion varies from person to person, most people have a normal range of motion of about 135 degrees. This means that the lower leg can be brought up to a position that is about halfway between the thigh and the abdomen.
Knee flexion is important for activities such as walking, running, and climbing stairs. It also allows for a greater range of motion when sitting down and getting up from a chair.
If you have a limitation in your range of motion, it is important to talk to your doctor or physical therapist to determine the cause and find the best treatment options.
How To Measure Knee Extension
Knee extension is measured using a goniometer, which is a device that consists of two arms that are connected at a joint. The arms of the goniometer are placed so that one arm is placed over the knee and the other arm is placed over the ankle. The angle of the goniometer is then read to determine the amount of knee extension.
Knee Angle Measurement Device
A knee angle measurement device is a tool used to measure the angle of your knee. It is usually used by physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and other medical professionals to help diagnose and treat knee problems.
There are many different types of knee angle measurement devices, but they all work in basically the same way. You place the device on your knee and then use a ruler or other measuring tool to find the angle between your thigh and lower leg.
Knee angle measurement devices can be very helpful in diagnosing and treating knee problems. If you have any knee pain or other symptoms, be sure to talk to your doctor about whether or not a knee angle measurement device would be right for you.
How To Use Goniometer App On Knee
A goniometer is a device that helps measure the range of motion (ROM) of a joint. It can be used to measure both active and passive ROM. The goniometer app is a free app that can be used on your knee to help measure your ROM.
To use the goniometer app on your knee, first, make sure that your knee is in a neutral position. Next, place the goniometer on your knee so that the arms of the goniometer are parallel to the long axis of your thigh and leg. The zero mark on the goniometer should be at the joint line.
Now, move your knee through its full range of motion. The goniometer will measure the angle of your knee as you move it. Make sure to write down the angles that you achieve at the end of your ROM.
You can use the goniometer app on your knee to help you track your progress as you work to improve your ROM. This app can be a helpful tool for both physical therapists and patients.
Is There An App To Measure Knee Flexion?
Yes, there are a few apps that can measure knee flexion. One is called the Knee Range of Motion (ROM) App, and another is called the Knee Joint Angle Measurement App. These apps use the accelerometer and gyroscope in your smartphone to measure the angle of your knee joint.